Dated 8th day of August 1862
Mr. Edward Palethorp to Mr. John Taylor | Demise of a small Strip of Ground and Release of use of a Well on Coombe Down near Bath
Signed Sealed and Delivered by the within named Edward Palethorp in the presence of Thos. Murray Sol. Bath
Signed Sealed and Delivered by the within named Margaretta Taylor and John Taylor in the presence of Thos. Murray Sol. Bath
Received on the day and year first within written of the within named Margaretta Taylor the sum of Two pounds the consideration money within expressed to be paid by her to me Edward Palethorp Witness Thos. Murray
This Indenture made the eight day of August One thousand eight hundred and sixty two Between Edward Palethorp of Coomb Down in the parish of Monkton Coomb in the County of Somerset Gentleman of the first part and Margaretta Taylor of the City of Bath Widow of the second part and John Taylor of Cheltenham in the County of Gloucester Gentleman of the third part. Whereas by Indenture of Assignment dated the thirtieth day of August One thousand eight hundred and forty nine and made between Francis Ewens Gentleman of the one part and the said Edward Palethorp of the other part the said Edward Palethorp is possessed of the Messuage Garden and premises situate on Combe Down aforesaid adjoining to and on the West side of certain Messuages and premises of the said Margaretta Taylor for the residue of a term of Four hundred and eighty seven years granted by and Indenture of Lease dated the twenty first day of June One thousand eight hundred and eighteen and made between James Ponting Gentleman Benjamin Wingrove Gentleman and John Gabriel Gentleman of the one part and William Coles Carpenter of the other part and subject to a yearly ground rent of Two pounds and the said Edward Palethorp claims the said premises to have a right of access to and the use of the Well of Water situate on the extreme Western Boundary of the adjoining premises of the said Margaretta Taylor and whereas by an Indenture of Transfer dated the twenty fifth day of March One thousand eight hundred and fifty three made between James Taylor Grocer and Isaac Golledge Tea Trader the executors of David Jenkins deceased of the first part the said Margaretta Taylor of the second part and the said John Taylor of the third part After reciting that the said Margaretta Taylor was indebted to the said John Taylor and Isaac Golledge as Executors in the sums of Three hundred pounds and One hundred and twenty pounds on Mortgage of her said Messuages and also in the sum of Forty pounds on her Promissory Note the said three several sums and interest were assigned and transferred unto the said John Taylor his executors administrators and assigns and the said Messuages and premises of the said Margaretta Taylor were assigned and transferred unto the said John Taylor his executors administrators and assigns for the then residue of a term of Four hundred and eighty five years granted by and Indenture of Lease dated the eighteenth day of April One thousand eight hundred and twenty subject to a yearly Ground rent of Three pounds and also to the Equity of redemption then existing thereof and whereas the said Edward Palethorp hath agreed with the said Margaretta Taylor to relinquish his right of the use of the said Well and to demise the same and also a small portion of his garden hereinafter particularly described which is immediately adjoining to the said Well unto her or the said John Taylor by here direction for the sum of Two pounds free from encumbrances for a term commensurate with the existing term of Four hundred and eighty five years aforesaid Now This Indenture Witnesseth that in pursuance of the said Agreement and in consideration of the sum of Two pounds the said Edward Palethorp now paid by the said Margaretta Taylor the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged the said Edward Palethorp with the consent and by the direction and appointment of the said Margaretta Taylor testified by here execution of these presents Doth hereby grant demise and release unto the said John Taylor his executors administrators and assigns all that strip or parcel of ground part of the garden of the said Messuage and premises of him said Edward Palethorp hereinbefore referred to adjoining to the Westward side of the Messuages and premises of the said Margaretta Taylor and the aforesaid Well containing in length form North to South five feet and in breadth from the Western side of the line of the Wall there Two feet be the same little more or less as the same is now bounded out by a Wall of the said Edward Palethorp And also all right of access to and from the said Well and of the use of the same of him the said Edward Palethorp or any person claiming under him as Tenants or otherwise And all the estate right title and interest of him the said Edward Palethorp of in and to the said premises hereby demised To have and To hold the said strip or parcel of ground right of access to and use of the said Well and premises with their appurtenances unto the said John Taylor his executors administrators and assigns from the eighth day or April One thousand eight hundred and twenty for and during the term of Four hundred and eighty five years freed and discharged from the said yearly Ground rent of Two pound and by him the said Edward Palethorp his executors administrators and assigns indemnified therefrom but subject with the said Messuages and premises of the said Margaretta Taylor to the right or equity of redemption affecting the same so that the said Strip of ground and premises may henceforth form part of the said Messuages and premises and be in all respects subject to the same powers provisions and agreements as such said Messuages and premises are now subject to by virtue of the existing Mortgage Surcharge and Transfer hereinbefore mentioned or referred to. And the said Edward Palethorp himself his executors and administrators hereby covenants with the said John Taylor his executors administrators and assigns in manner following that is to say that notwithstanding any act done or privily suffered unto the said John Taylor his executors administrators and assigns for the term and in manner hereinbefore mentioned And that it shall be lawful for the said John Taylor his executors administrators and assigns to have hold and enjoy the said premises hereby demised and released for the term and in manner aforesaid without any let suit trouble eviction or hindrance whatsoever from or by him the said Edward Palethorp or any person or persons lawfully claiming under or in trust for him And that free and clear and freely clearly and absolutely acquitted released and discharged from all encumbrance whatsoever done or committed by him and from the said yearly Ground rent of Two pounds And moreover that he the said Edward Palethorp and all persons lawfully claiming or hereafter to claim and estate right title or interest in to or out of the said premises hereby demised and released or any part thereof shall and will at all times hereafter during the said term of Four hundred and eighty five years hereby granted on the request and at the costs of the said John Taylor his executors administrators or assigns make do and execute or cause to be made done and executed all such further and other acts deeds and assurances whatsoever for the further and more satisfactorily demising releasing or otherwise assuring or confirming the said premises hereby demised and released or any part thereof unto the said John Taylor his executors administrators and assigns for the then residue of the said term of Four hundred and eighty five years hereby granted as by him unto the said John Taylor his executors administrators and assigns or his or their Counsel in the Law shall be advised or required. And lastly that he the said Edward Palethorp his executors administrators or assigns but so as to bind himself his representatives only until he parts with the Deeds and afterwards to bind his assigns shall and will at all times hereafter during the said term of Four hundred and eighty five years hereby granted on the request and at the costs of the said John Taylor his executors administrators or assigns produce and shew forth or cause and procure to be produced and shewn forth to him or them the several deeds mentioned in the Schedule hereunder written for the proof manifestation and defence of the title of the said John Taylor his executors administrators and assigns in and for the premises hereby demised And shall and will also at the like request and costs make and deliver to him and them Copies of Abstracts of or Extracts from the same Deeds or any or either of them In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seal the day and year first above written. ————-
The Schedule hereinbefore referred to ==================
1st June 1819. Indenture of Mortgage from the said William Coles to Elias Dyer ———–
30th December 1825. Indenture of Assignment from the said William Coles and Elias Dyer to Francis Ewens of London Gentleman. ————————————————
30th June 1834. Indenture of Assignment made between the said Francis Ewens of the first part Ambrose Heale Esquire of the second part and Thomas Macaulay Cruttwell Gentleman of the third part
21st June 1836. Indenture of Assignment endorsed on the last mentioned Indenture and made between Richard Falkner Banker Robert Jupe Upholsterer and Henry Ward of the first part the said Thomas Macaulay Cruttwell of the second part James Standerwick Gentleman of the third part Margaretta Bull of the fourth part and the said Francis Ewens of the fifth part. ——————————————————————————
30th August 1849. Indenture of Assignment made from the said Francis Ewens to the said Edward Palethorp. ————————————————————————-
[Signature and seals]Edward Palethorp
M Taylor
Deed dated 29th October 1862Mr J Taylor & others toMr Thos. CruttwellIn trust for Mr Thos. Hanks |
Assignmentrespectively Prospect House
Received on the day and year first within written the sum of Three hundred and eighty pounds the consideration money £380
John Taylor
Witness: Thos. Murray
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named John Taylor Alexander Mowat Edward Lucknam Margaretta Taylor Thomas Hanks and Thomas Cruttwell in the presence of ………….. Thos. Murray Sol. Bath
This Indenture made the twenty ninth day of October One thousand eight hundred and sixty two Between John Taylor of the Borough of Cheltenham in the County of Gloucester Gentleman of the first part Alexander Mowat of the City of Bath in The County of Somerset watch maker and Edward Lucknam of the same City Schoolmaster of the second part Margaretta Taylor the Widow of Thomas Taylor in the parish of Monkton Combe in the County of Somerset Gentleman of the third part Thomas Hanks of Widcombe Parade in the said City of Bath Butcher of the fourth part and Thomas Cruttwell of the City of Bath Gentleman of the fifth part Whereas by an Indenture dated on or about the eighth day of April One thousand eight hundred and twenty and expressed to be made between William Cole and Elias Dyer on the one part and William Bye Lidiard Gentleman of the other part it is witnessed that for the consideration therin mentioned the said Elias Dyer (at the request of the said William Coles) did demise and lease and the said William Coles did demise lease and confirm to the said William Bye Lidiard his executors administrators and assigns All that plot of ground situate on Combe Down in the parish of Monkton Combe aforesaid containing in length the South and North side forty three feet or thereabouts and extending in depth at the East and West sides thereof One hundred and fifteen feet or thereabouts bounded in front South by a road Twenty feet wide on the West by ground belonging to the said William Coles on the North by ground belonging to John Gabriel planted with shrub and trees and on the East by ground intended as a road Twelve feet wide Together with the free use of the road or way leading into the quarries and gardens lying on the West side of the ground thereby demised And also of the said road Twelve feet wide and all other roads ways walks and passages on or over Combe down aforesaid as were thereof right used by the owners and occupiers of the Buildings there called “Place de Montalt” And all other rights members and appurtenances thereto belonging To hold the same unto the said William Bye Lidiard his executors administrators and assigns thenceforth for the term of Four hundred and eighty five years At or under the yearly rent of Three pounds payable half yearly to the said William Coles his executors administrators and assigns as therein mentioned and subject to divers covenants therein contained and on the part of the said William Bye Lidiard his executors administrators and assigns to be observed and performed And Whereas two Messuages or dwellinghouses now commonly called or known by the names of Prospect House and Prospect Villa respectively with outbuildings were after the date and execution of the said Lease erected by the said William Bye Lidiard on parts of the plot of ground thereby demised And Whereas the plot of ground demised by the above recited Indenture of Lease is part of a piece of ground which by an Indenture dated on or about the twenty first day of June One thousand eight hundred and eighteen and expressed to be made between Joseph Ponting Benjamin Wingrove and John Gabriel therein severally described of the one part and the said William Coles of the other part was demised by the said Joseph Ponting Benjamin Wingrove and John Gabriel unto the said William Coles his executors administrators and assigns for the term of Four hundred and eighty seven years at the yearly rent of Nine pounds and subject to divers covenants therein contained and on the part of the said William Coles and his assigns to be observed and performed And Whereas by virtue of divers mesne Assignments and ultimately of an Indenture of Assignment dated on or about the twenty fourth day of June One thousand eight hundred and thirty six and expressed to be made between Richard Falkner Robert Jupe and Henry Ward therein severally described of the first part the said Alexander Mowat of the second part Francis Ewens Gentleman of the third part James Standerwick Wine Merchant of the fourth part the said Margaretta Taylor then Margaret Bull a Widow of the fifth part The premises contained in the said Indenture of Lease of the eighth day of April One thousand eight hundred and twenty were assigned to the said Margaretta Bull her executors administrators and assigns for the then residue of the said term of Four hundred and eighty five years subject to a mortgage then subsisting therein and to a certain Annuity which has since determined And after reciting that the said Francis Ewens entitled to an adjoining messuage Number 2 Paradise Place and to the site of Number 1 with the appurtenances And that the said James Standerwick was also entitled to the Messuage called Claremont House which premises were parts of the ground and premises demised by and Indenture of Lease of the eighth day of June One thousand eight hundred and eighteen thereby meaning the said Indenture of the twenty first day of June One thousand eight hundred and eighteen And reciting and Agreement between the said Margaretta Bull Francis Ewens and James Standerwick to pay the said yearly rent of Nine pounds in the following proportions (namely) the said Margaretta Bull Three Pounds Francis Ewens Two pounds and James Standerwick Four pounds reciting an agreement between the said Francis Ewens and James Standerwick to enter into similar covenants give the powers of distress with and to the said Margaretta Bull on non payment of their said proportions of the said rent of Nine pounds as she had already entered into with them It is further witnessed that they the said Francis Ewens and James Standerwick each for himself his heirs executors administrators and assigns thereby covenanted with the said Margaretta Bull her executors administrators and assigns to pay their several proportions of the yearly rent of Nine pounds and indemnify the said Margaretta Bull her executors administrators and assigns against the payment thereof And the said Francis and James Standerwick thereby granted to the said Margaretta Taylor her executors administrators and assigns power of distress on the aforesaid premises of the said Francis and James Standerwick respectively in case of distress on the premises thereby assigned for any part of the said yearly rent of Nine pounds over and above the said proportion of Three pounds And Whereas by virtue of divers mesne Assignments including the Assignment last hereinbefore recited and ultimately of an Indenture of Settlement dated on or about the fifth day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty eight and expressed to be made between the said Thomas Taylor of the first part the said Margaretta Taylor by her then name of Margaretta Bull of the second part and the said Alexander Mowat and Edward Lucknam of the third part (being the settlement executed previously to the marriage of the said Thomas Taylor with the said Margaretta afterwards his wife and now his Widow) All and singular the hereditaments comprised in the said Indenture of the eighth day of April One Thousand and twenty became vested in equity in the said Alexander Mowat and Edward Lucknam but subject to a mortgage then subsisting thereon and which has since been transferred to the said John Taylor as hereinafter mentioned for the residue of the said term of Four hundred and eighty five years Upon trust after the marriage to pay the interest dividends and proceeds therof unto the said Margaretta Taylor for her life and also permit and suffer her to hold use occupy possess and enjoy the same during her life to and for her own sole and separate use and benefit and from and after her decease In trust for such person or persons as the said Margaretta Bull should by any writing direct or appoint and in default of such direction or appointment In trust for her next of kin And Whereas by virtue of divers mesne Assignments and acts in the Law and ultimately by a certain Indenture bearing date on or about the twenty fifth day or March One thousand eight hundred and fifty three and expressed to be made between James Taylor and Isaac Golledge therein severally described of the first part the said Margaretta Taylor of the second part and the said John Taylor of the third part All and singular hereditaments comprised by the said Indenture of Lease of the eighth day of April One thousand eight hundred and twenty became legally assigned unto and vested in the said John Taylor for the residue of the said term of Four hundred and eight five years as a security by way of Mortgage for the several sums of Three hundred pounds One hundred and twenty pounds and Forty pounds and interest thereon And Whereas by and Indenture dated on or about the eighth of august last year ad expressed to be made between Edward Palethorp of Combe Down aforesaid Gentleman of the first part the said Margaretta Taylor of the second part and the said John Taylor of the third part After reciting that by an Indenture of assignment dated on or about the thirtieth day of August One thousand eight hundred and forty nine and expressed to be made between the said Francis Ewens of the one part and the said Edward Palethorp of the other part the said Edward Palethorp was possessed of the messuage garden and premises situate on Combe Down aforesaid adjoining to and on the West of certain messuages and premises of the said Margaretta Taylor (being the hereditaments comprised in the above recited Indenture of the eighth day of April One thousand eight hundred and twenty) for the residue of the term of Four hundred and eighty seven years granted by the said Indenture of Lease dated the twenty first day of June One thousand eight hundred and eighteen subject to a yearly ground rent of Two pounds and that the said Edward Palethorp claimed with the said premises to have a right of access to and the use of the Well of water situate on the extreme Western boundary of the adjoining premises of the said Margaretta Taylor And reciting the above mentioned Indenture of the twenty fifth day of One thousand eight hundred and fifty three And reciting that the said Edward Palethorp had agreed with the said Margaretta Taylor to relinquish his right to the use of the said well and to demise the same and also the small portion of his Garden thereinafter particularly described which was immediately adjoining to the said Well unto her or to the said John Taylor by her direction for the sum of Two pounds free from incumbrances for a term commensurate with the existing term of Four hundred and eighty five years aforesaid It was witnessed in pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of the sum of Two pounds to the said Edward Palethorp paid by the said Margaretta Taylor he the said Edward Palethorp by the direction of the said Margaretta Taylor did thereby grant demise and release unto the said John Taylor his executors administrators and assigns All that strip or parcel of Ground (part of the Garden of the said messuage and premises of him the said Edward Palethorp thereinbefore referred to)adjoining to the Westward side of the messuage and premises of the said Margaretta Taylor and the aforesaid Well containing in length from North to South five feet and in breadth from the Western side of the line of the wall there two feet (were the same little more or less) as the same were then bounded out by a Wall of the said Edward Palethorp And also all the right of access to and from the said Well and the use of the same by him the said Edward Palethorp or any person claiming under him as tenant or otherwise To hold the said strip of Ground right of access to and use of the said Well and premises thereby demised with the appurtenances unto the said John Taylor his executors administrators and assigns from the said eight day of April One thousand eight hundred and twenty for the term of Four hundred and eighty five years discharged from the said yearly ground rent of Two pounds and by him the said Edward Palethorp his executors administrators and assigns indemnified therefrom but subject with the said messuages and premises of the said Margaretta Taylor to the right or equity of redemption the same so that the said strip of Ground and premises might thenceforth form part of the said messuages and premises (meaning the premises of the said Margaretta Taylor) and be in all respects subject to the same powers provisions and agreements as such messuages and premises were then subject to by virtue of the said existing Mortgage And Whereas the said Alexander Mowat and Edward Lucknam by the direction of the said Margaretta Taylor have contracted with the said Thomas Hanks for the absolute sale to him of the messuages and plots of land an premises comprised in and demised by the said Indentures of the eighth day of April One thousand eight hundred and twenty and the eighth day of August last respectively for the residues of the terms of Four hundred and eighty five years thereby created in the same premises respectively free from all incumbrances except the rent and covenants henceforth to be paid and performed in respect of the premises comprised in the former of those Leases and the covenants to be performed in respect of the premises comprised in the latter of those Leases as aforesaid and with the benefit of the aforesaid indemnities against the portions of the said rent of Nine pounds for the sum of Three hundred and eighty pounds And Whereas the said sums of Three hundred pounds One hundred and twenty pounds and Forty pounds making together Four hundred and sixty pounds are now due to the said John Taylor on the security of the said premises and it hath been agreed that the whole of the said purchase money of Three hundred and eighty pounds shall be paid to him in part discharge for the same debt but in exoneration of the said premises from the whole of that debt And Whereas the said Thomas Hanks is the proprietor of the said original rent of Nine pounds and he is desirous that the premises now purchased by him as aforesaid shall be assigned to the said Thomas Cruttwell in trust for him Now This Indenture Witnesseth that in pursuance of the said Contract for sale and the said agreements in this behalf and in consideration of the sum of Three hundred and eighty pounds of lawful British money at the request of the said Alexander Mowat and Edward Lucknam by the direction and appointment of the said Margaretta Taylor (testified by her executing these presents) paid by the said Thomas Hanks to the said John Taylor He the said John Taylor at the like request and by the like direction and appointment and with the consent (testified as aforesaid) and also at the request and by the direction of the said Thomas Hanks testified by his executing these presents Doth hereby assign and the said Alexander Mowat and Edward Lucknam as the Trustees of the said Indenture of Settlement of the fifth day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty eight and by the direction and appointment of the said Margaretta Taylor and at the request and by the direction of the said Thomas Hanks (testified as aforesaid) do and each of them doth hereby assign and the said Margaretta Taylor in pursuance of the power in this behalf hereinbefore recited and of any and every other power in anywise enabling her in this behalf doth hereby appoint assign ratify and confirm unto the said Thomas Cruttwell his executors administrators and assigns First All That plot of Ground demised by the said Indenture of the eighth day of April One thousand eight hundred and twenty and the messuages and buildings thereon or on some part thereof one of which messuages namely Prospect House was lately in the occupation of Edmund Vezey but is now unoccupied the other of which messuages namely Prospect Villa is now in the occupation of Priscilla Peacock as yearly tenant thereof Secondly All That plot of ground and other the premises which were comprised in and demised by the said Indenture of the eighth day of August last Together with all and singular the rights and easements members and appurtenances to the said hereditaments and premises hereby assigned respectively belonging or reputed so to be And all the estate right title interest term and terms of years property possibility claim and demand whatsoever both at law and in equity of them the said Assignors respectively in to out of or concerning the same premises and every and any part or parcel thereof and the full benefits of the covenants of indemnity contained in the said Indentures of the twenty fourth June One thousand eight hundred and thirty six and the eighth day of August last against the payment of parts of the said rent of Nine pounds and all other provisions for the indemnity of the said hereditaments hereby assigned against the payment of the same rent or any part thereof And all deeds evidences and writings relating to the title of or to the hereditaments and premises hereinbefore assigned or any of them which are now in the custody of the Assignors or any of them or which they or any of them can obtain without suit at law or in equity To have and to hold all such of the hereditaments and premises hereinbefore assigned as were comprised in and demised by the said Indenture of Lease of the eight day of April One thousand eight hundred and twenty unto the said Thomas Cruttwell his executors administrators and assigns for all the residue of the said term of Four hundred and eighty five years thereby granted and for all other the term or terms of any for which the Assignors or any of them can or may assign the same premises absolutely freed and discharged of and from the said Mortgage to the said john Taylor and all claims and demands on account thereof but subject to the rents and covenants reserved and contained by and in the last mentioned Indenture and henceforth to be paid and performed by the Lessee or Assignee of the same premises and to the said indemnities granted by the said Margaretta Taylor to the said Francis Ewens and James Standerwick respectively as aforesaid In trust for the said Thomas Hanks his executors administrators and assigns and to be assigned and disposed of as he or they shall from time to time direct And To have and to hold all such of the hereditaments and premises hereinbefore assigned as were comprised in and demised by the said Indenture of Lease of the eighth day of August last unto the said Thomas Cruttwell his executors administrators and assigns for all the residue of the term of Four hundred and eighty five years thereby granted and for all other the term or terms of any for which the Assignors or any of them can or may assign the same premises absolutely freed and discharged of and from the said Mortgage to the said John Taylor and all claims and demands on account thereof but subject to the rents and covenants reserved and contained by and in the last mentioned Indenture and henceforth to be paid and performed by the Lessee or Assignee of the same premises except the covenant for the payment of the said rent of Two pounds but nevertheless In trust for the said Thomas Hanks his executors administrators and assigns and to be assigned and disposed of as he or they shall from time to time direct And the said John Taylor Alexander Mowat and Edward Lucknam each for himself his heirs executors and administrators and his own acts and defaults and not otherwise do hereby severally covenant and declare with and to the said Thomas Cruttwell his executors administrators and assigns that they the same covenantors respectively have not at any time heretofore made done or committed or been a party to any deed matter or thing whatsoever whereby or by means whereof except as appears in these presents And the said Margaretta Taylor for herself her heirs executors and administrators in respect of her separate estate doth covenant with the said Thomas Cruttwell his executors administrators and assigns in manner following (that is to say) that for and notwithstanding any act deed matter or thing whatsoever by the said Margaretta Taylor done committed occasioned or suffered to the contrary the said hereinbefore recited Indentures of Lease of the eighth day of April One thousand eight hundred and twenty and the eighth day of August last are good and subsisting Leases valid in the Law and not forfeited surrendered or otherwise determined or become void or voidable And that for and notwithstanding any such act deed matter or thing as aforesaid they the said several Assignors parties hereto or some or one of them now have or hath in themselves himself or herself good right to assign and assure the hereditaments and premises hereinbefore assigned or intended so to be unto the said Thomas Cruttwell his executors administrators and assigns in manner and subject and in trust as aforesaid and according to the true intent of these presents And further that it shall be lawful for the said Thomas Cruttwell his executors administrators and assigns In trust for the said Thomas Hanks his executors administrators and assigns at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly to have hold and enjoy the same hereditaments and premises and to receive and take the rents issues and profits of every part thereof and during all the residues of the said terms of Four hundred and eighty five years and Four hundred and eighty five years therein respectively without any interruption claim or demand of or from or by the said Margaretta Taylor her executors or administrators or any person or persons lawfully or equitably claiming or to claim by from through under or in trust for her or them and will at all times hereafter during the continuance of the aforesaid terms of Four hundred and eighty five years and Four hundred and eighty five years respectively upon every reasonable request and at the proper costs and charges in the Law of the said Thomas Cruttwell his executors administrators and assigns or of the said Thomas Hanks his executors administrators and assigns make do and execute or cause and procure to be made done and executed all such further and other lawful and reasonable acts deeds assignments and assurances whatsoever for further and absolutely assigning and assuring the same hereditaments and premises unto the said Thomas Cruttwell his executors administrators and assigns for all the residues which shall be then unexpired of the said terms of Four hundred and eighty five years and Four hundred and eighty five years therein respectively subject as aforesaid by the said Thomas Cruttwell his executors administrators and assigns or the said Thomas Hanks his executors administrators and assigns shall be reasonably required And the said Thomas Cruttwell and Thomas Hanks severally for themselves and their respective heirs executors administrators or assigns do hereby covenant with the said John Taylor Alexander Mowat and Edward Lucknam and their respective heirs executors and administrators that they the said Thomas Cruttwell and Thomas Hanks and their respective heirs executors administrators or assigns or some or one of them shall and will and truly pay or cause to be paid the yearly rent of Three pounds reserved by the said Indenture of Lease of the eighth day of April One thousand eight hundred and twenty and which shall from time to time henceforth grow due and payable at such times and in such manner as the same is thereby made payable And also shall and will observe perform and keep the several covenants and agreements in the same Indenture and in the said Indenture of the eighth day of August last contained and which henceforth on the part of the Lessees or Assignees of the premises thereby respectively demised are and ought to be observed performed and kept and shall and will at all times hereafter save defend keep harmless and indemnified the said John Taylor Alexander Mowat and Edward Lucknam and their respective heirs executors administrators lands and tenements goods and chattels from and against the payment of the said rent of Three pounds and the performance of the same covenants and agreements and from and against all actions suits costs charges damages claims and demands whatsoever on account thereof or in anywise relating thereto In witness whereof the said parties of these presents have hereunto set their hand and seals the day and year first before written.
John Taylor Edward Lucknam Thomas Hanks
Alexander Mowat M Taylor Thos Cruttwell