I support you and want to donate a special local image or object

Special donations

We welcome gifts that are relevant to the Combe Down and Monkton Combe area, including:
butler davis deed dated the 23rd day of march 1832 settlement on the marriage of mr william butler with mrs jane davis 300x252
    • buildings’ history including house and property deeds
    • planning history and architectural plans
    • information about residents or evidence of use of the property
    • marriage agreements and deeds
    • official records for the area, including minute books and annual reports
    • audio-visual material, including film, photographs and audio records about the area and / or notable local residents
Donations help preserve the collection for future generations. They will be added to the collection of our sister organisation the Combe Down Heritage Society. The Society collects, organises, curates and preserves objects and articles relevant to the history and heritage of the Combe Down area. Accepted donations will be carefully stored for study and research purposes. They may be also be used for special exhibitions or lent to other institutions for display.

How we decide

Due limited space and resources we carefully evaluate all potential donations. It is not always possible for us to accept donated objects.  Please do not be offended. It may be that we already have a similar item in the collection or it is an item that we do not collect. However, in the event that we cannot accommodate your gift, we may be able to suggest an alternative recipient. We cannot provide valuations for any items. We will not accept objects with specific its display or usage conditions.
holy trinity plan 300x198
Holy Trinity Plan
To make a decision we kindly request your assistance in providing us with as much information as possible about the materials or objects and including how you acquired them. Additionally any information about the items that helps us understand their importance such as family stories and photographs or scans, if possible. For photographs, diaries etc we ask that you sign a legal agreement to assign copyright (please click the link for PDF of agreement). By assigning copyright we will be able to use the object for research, publicity and marketing purposes. Any funds generated through such activity is reinvested to support the care of our collections and improve our services. If assigning copyright is not possible for some reason we shall request a perpetual license to use and publish (please click here for PDF of agreement) your research or works created from it. Please do not send or deliver potential donations directly to us as unsolicited donations are returned to senders if possible and, if we cannot return items they will be held for six months and may be disposed of if not claimed. Please be aware that:
    • We cannot accept anything where ownership is in question. Please ensure that you have the right to donate any object or materials.
    • We cannot accept hazardous material
    • Long-term loans are rarely accepted
    • Decisions about what is accepted to the collection can take up to three months

Donation proposal form

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