Real memorial obituaries – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

In memoriam et celebrationem

In memorial and celebration

This is the obituaries section for people who have made a contribution to the area – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

It’s a form of recognition and hopefully will shed some light on interesting aspects of the people of Combe Down.

If you are submitting an obituary for publication, then you may wish to read these hints: How to write a tremendous obituary.

Thomas David Fitzgerald

10/01/1894 - 30/07/1916


Obituary For Thomas David Fitzgerald


From brother officers of his late son, Lieut. T. D. Fitzgerald, of the Gloucesters, Mr T. W Fitzgerald, Combe Down, Bath, has received letters relative to his death.

The Adjutant of the battalion describes how gallantly Lieut. Fitzgerald led a company in the front line of attack on a German position, and was killed instantaneously by rifle or machine-gun fire. He adds: "He was in the front of our attack as time and close to the German trench, so that his body has not been recovered. He lies unburied, the very spot where he fell is unmarked, but no monument is needed to keep alive in the battalion the memory of one of the most fearless and gallant officers who ever get foot in France.

He had already been mentioned in despatches, and was being recommended for immediate decoration at the time of his death.

His loss is very deeply felt by all the officers and men of the Gloucesters, and you have our sincerest sympathy in your sad bereavement."

Another officer of the battalion says that
Lieut. Fitzgerald had to take cover with his company, and says: "Whilst behind this cover the
passed the time away in sniping Huns, and he had just killed one when he was killed himself. Fitz, as everyone called him, with his coolness and cheery manner, no matter how trying or dangerous the circus stances, always put fresh courage into everyone, and to say that he was loved by his men but poorly describes their feelings towards him. I once heard
one of them say, Mr Fitz is a good 'un, he will never send you anywhere that he's afraid to go
himself. That was Fitz, to a T. It is difficult for one to express in words how greatly I miss him, but I, if anyone, un sympathise with you, for it was only the other day that. I heard that my brother had been killed in action."

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