Real memorial obituaries – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

In memoriam et celebrationem

In memorial and celebration

This is the obituaries section for people who have made a contribution to the area – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

It’s a form of recognition and hopefully will shed some light on interesting aspects of the people of Combe Down.

If you are submitting an obituary for publication, then you may wish to read these hints: How to write a tremendous obituary.

Theodore Hughes Minty

01/01/1842 - 20/05/1916


Obituary For Theodore Hughes Minty



Mr. Theodore Hughes Minty, an old and respected inhabitant of Combe Down, was buried on Wednesday in Monkton Combe churchyard.

Mr. Minty, who was the senior member of the
Combe Down and District Conservative Association, lived at Williamstowe for over twenty years, but about six months ago left for Wimbledon to reside with a married sister, Mrs. Ollis,

There he passed away on Saturday last, at the age of 73.

He was an ardent Conservative, on the committee of the Association, and seldom missed one of its meetings.

The remains were brought to Bath by rail, and men at the Great Western Station by an open funeral car, and brougham, which proceeded to Monkton Combe. The Rev. H. C. Baker, curate of Cumbe Down, officiated

The mourners were: Mrs. Ollis (sister), Miss Ollis (niece), Mes, Gould (sister-in- ww), Mrs. Aldridge, of King's Langley (sister- in-law), and Mrs. Wherrett, Mr. T. A. Minty. brother, of Wimbledon, was prevented by illness from attending, but went a wreath, and Bowers also came from Mr. and Mrs. Ollis: Aday Grace and Lil (nieces), Nollie and Willie (niece and nephew), Anne and Min (nines) Messrs Wherrett, and the
Combe Down and District Conservative Association..

Mr. E. H. Wherrett, of Combe Down, was the undertaker.

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