Real memorial obituaries – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

In memoriam et celebrationem

In memorial and celebration

This is the obituaries section for people who have made a contribution to the area – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

It’s a form of recognition and hopefully will shed some light on interesting aspects of the people of Combe Down.

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Oswald Borland

13/11/1820 - 24/03/1915


Obituary For Oswald Borland




A greatly esteemed resident of Combe Down, Captain Oswald Borland, R.N., of Livingstone Lodge, died on Thursday (last week), when he passed away peacefully in his sleep.

Captain Borland, who had lived on Combe Down for about 17 years, was the oldest inhabitant of the Parish.

He was also the oldest retired captain in the Navy. He entered the Navy as a cadet as far back as 1833. 80 years ago-was promoted sub lieutenant in 1840, Lieutenant in 1845, commander in 1836, and retired captain in May, 1871.

He served in the Black Sea during the Crimean War, and as lieutenant of that famous old ship, Bellerophon, was present at the bombardment of Sebastopol in October, 1854. He wore the Crimean and Turkish medals, with the Sebastopol clasp, and the 5th Class Order of the Medjidie.

Had Captain Borland survived till November 13th he would have completed his 95th year.

Despite his great age, he could read and write without the assistance of glasses till the end.
and his mental alertness was unclouded. But for some years past he had suffered from bodily weakness, and had been under the professional care of Dr. Morris.

Captain Borland, we believe, was a native of Teddington, but for many years his home was on the island of Guernsey, which he left on the death of his wife about 20 years ago.

He was a great admirer of Queen Victoria, whose uniform he wore for 3 years-William IV. was on the
throne, when Captain Borland entered the Navy and he took a lively interest in the erection of the building of the Avenue Hall, Combe Down, which, as the memorial stone records, was erected in grateful remembrance of the sixty. years' reign of Queen Victoria, 1897.

It was built by Mr. F. G. Fisher, from the plans of Mr. Mowbray A. Green, and Captain Borland gave
substantial sums towards its cost. Mr. Fisher is the owner of the hall, which has proved a great advantage to the parish, and there is a covenant that it must always be used for this purpose. Several trustees were appointed when the hall was inaugurated, but the only survivor is the Rev. J. W. Kearns. Head- master of Monkton Combe School.

One was the late Captain George Rivington, R.N., and it is a coincidence that these two, veteran naval
officers should have passed away in the same year.

Mr. Fisher caused a portrait in oils of Captain Borland to be painted in the hall. was finished, and this picture hangs over the fireplace of the hall. As a tribute to the gentleman of whom it is an excellent likeness, on Friday its frame was draped in crape.

Originally attached to the Church of England. Captain Borland ceased to attend its services because of his strict Evangelical views, and his religious nature found an outlet in providing an undenominational form of worship on Combe Down. Near Livingstone Lodge he caused a mission chapel to be erected of corrugated iron, and here services were conducted by Mr. Mane- field, Mr. Coward, of Bath, and others. His will, we understand, makes provision for the maintenance of this chapel. Captain Borland was of an exceedingly charitable disposition. and many on Combe Down will greatly regret his death.

The Captain had hoped to be buried with his wife at Guernsey, but this has been found impracticable.
Our portrait of Captain Borland was taken when he was 93.


Very quietly the interment was conducted at Monkton Combe. The cortege left Livingstone Lodge, Combe Down, where he had lived for many years, in time to reach Monkton Combe churchyard at two o'clock.

In accordance with the rugged old Captain's expressed desire, there were no flowers, and the service was confined to the recital of the Church of England Burial Office by the Rev. H. C. Baker, curate of Combe Down.

Those present at the church included Dr. Roome (nephew by marriage), Mr. R. Farmer and Mrs. Farmer. Major Boileau, the Rev. J. W. Kearns, the Rev. Humphry Hirst Mr. L. R. Mansfield, Mr. H. Coward, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Fisher, Mrs. Stockley, ex-P.S, Holley and Mrs. Holley: Private Kellaway, of the
Somersets, and Mrs. Kellaway, Mrs. Milsom and Miss Rose Milsom, and Mr. and Mrs. Moss.

The coffin bare the inscription: ''Captain Borland, R., passed on 28th October, 1915, aged 96.

Messrs. Bush and Mansfield, of Stall Street, were the undertakers.

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