Real memorial obituaries – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

In memoriam et celebrationem

In memorial and celebration

This is the obituaries section for people who have made a contribution to the area – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

It’s a form of recognition and hopefully will shed some light on interesting aspects of the people of Combe Down.

If you are submitting an obituary for publication, then you may wish to read these hints: How to write a tremendous obituary.

Martin Septimus Gurney

12/03/1876 - 12/01/1943


Obituary For Martin Septimus Gurney



The funeral of Mr. Martin Septimus Gurney. of Woodwards, Monkton Combe, took place on
Dec. 3 at Monkton Combe.

The coffin, having been placed (by the wish of the deceased) in the Monkton Combe School wagon, and drawn by a school horse, left his home, and was
followed to the School Chapel by Mrs. Gurney (widow), Mrs. John Gurney (daughter-in-law),
Mrs. Sheldon (cousin), Hon. Mrs. O. St, M, Forester, the Rev. J. R. Walkey and Mrs. Tucker.

Mr. H. G. Sheldon was unable to attend owing to severe illness and the Primate of All IreIand, owing to travelling difficulties.

They were met at the chapel entrance by six robed clergy - the Head masters of the Senior and Junior Schools, the Rev. E. F. Hayward and the Rev. W. L. Jameson respectively. the Vicar, the Rev. P. E. Warrington, the Rev. P. W, G. Filleul (cousin), the Rev, C. K. W. Warren (Vicar of St. Nathanael's, Bristol), and the Rev. H. N. Duncan

A large and representative gathering nearly filled the chapel.

The coffin was placed in the chancel, which was most beautifully decorated by Mrs. Hayward. Mr. E. Doman and others.

School Choir Present.

The School Choir led the singing. and Mr. H. Kelynack played organ with deep feeling. There were two hymns-The Sands of Time are Sinking." and “Who fathoms the Eternal thought?”

The prayers were said by the Headmaster and the Rev. C. K. W. Warren, The Vicar read
the lesson (Rev, 7, 9, to the end). Psalm 23 was sung, and the Headmaster gave a most moving address, based on Rev. 2, 13, r.v- “Antipas my witness, my faithful One.”

While the Nunc Dimittis was sung, the procession re-formed, and moved off to the churchyard, where the Rev. P. W. G. Filleul recited a beautiful hymn.

The Vicar concluded the funeral service.

There were some lovely wreaths and flowers.

Mrs. Gurney would like to thank everyone for their kindness and for the flowers, and for the very many letters, which she hopes in time to answer.

The funeral arrangements were by Jolly and Son, Ltd., Milsom Street. Bath.

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