Real memorial obituaries – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

In memoriam et celebrationem

In memorial and celebration

This is the obituaries section for people who have made a contribution to the area – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

It’s a form of recognition and hopefully will shed some light on interesting aspects of the people of Combe Down.

If you are submitting an obituary for publication, then you may wish to read these hints: How to write a tremendous obituary.

John Pearce Vickery

04/01/1852 - 24/09/1925


Obituary For John Pearce Vickery


Well-known Combe Down Resident.

The funeral took place at the Abbey Cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon, of Mr. J. P. Vickery, who passed away on Friday of last week at 5, De Montalt Place, Combe Down.

The interment was preceded by a service at St. Matthew's Church, Widcombe, where the Rev.
W. D. Graham (vicar) the Rev. F. R. Cooksley (curate), and the Rev. J. W. Kearns (headmaster of Monkton Combe School) officiated.

The mourners were: Mrs. Vickery (widow) and the family (five sons and four daughters).

Among those present at the church were: Mr. Edgar Wood (parochial treasurer), Mr. George T. Short (headmaster of Widcombe Schools), Mrs. Graham, Miss Parrish, Mr. W. Mould, Miss Pearson, Miss Pinniger, Miss Stone, and Mr. W. George.

Wreaths were sent by: The widow and family; grandchildren; Miss Hardyman; Mr. and Mrs.
Symes; the Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Kearns (headmaster of Monkton Combe School), and the boys; Misses E. and M. Spear; Miss Burrows; Miss Harrison; Sidesmen of Widcombe (St. Matthew's) Church; Miss Wratislaw; Herbert; Nellie (Bridgnorth); Mrs. Johnson and family; Rev. and Mrs. Moscardi, Miss Morrice, Miss Matthews; Mr. and Mrs. White.

The late Mr. Vickery came to Bath in 1876, working as a cabinet-maker for Mr. Oscar Windebank. Thence he went to Mr. Whitaker's cabinet works at Combe Down, where he worked about 17 years, when the firm became a company.

He then started on his own account in the year 1894, and carried it on up to his death.

For a number of years he was secretary to the Combe Down branch of the United Patriots' Friendly Society; also a teacher of carpentry at Monkton Combe Senior and Junior Schools.

Soon after the war broke out he joined the Red Cross V.A.D., with which he continued for some time after the war was over.

He received certificates and a medal for war service, 1914 to 1918. He was known as the "father" of the detachment.

He was also one of the sidesmen at St. Matthew's, Widcombe, and took up the collection the Sunday previous to his death.

Mr. Vickery had been a member of the Church of England Men's Society since 1908.

The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. W. H. Scers, of Calton Road.

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