Real memorial obituaries – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

In memoriam et celebrationem

In memorial and celebration

This is the obituaries section for people who have made a contribution to the area – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

It’s a form of recognition and hopefully will shed some light on interesting aspects of the people of Combe Down.

If you are submitting an obituary for publication, then you may wish to read these hints: How to write a tremendous obituary.

James Riddle

10/01/1851 - 01/08/1936


Obituary For James Riddle



Amidst every sign of mourning the funeral took place on Saturday afternoon of Mr. James Riddle, whose sudden death at the age of 84 came as shock to many people at Combe Down.

A much respected resident, Mr. Riddle lived at 3, Isabella Place.

For 20 years he had been people's warden at Combe Down Parish Church, where the first part of the funeral service took place on Saturday.

The interment was at Monkton Combe.

The Vicar (the Rev. F. Last Bedwell) officiated. The surpliced choir were in attendance, and Mr. W. A. Bishop was at the organ. Before the funeral cortege entered the church the voluntary, "I know that my Redeemer liveth," was played.

The hymns sung were "Now tho labourer's task is o'er" and "Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin ?" The 23rd Psalm was also sung. After the cortege left the organist played "O rest in the Lord."
Many people well known in Combe Down were present in church to pay their last. respects.

The family mourners included Mrs. G. Carter (daughter), Mr. J. Parrish (brother-in-law), Mr.
and Mrs. A. D. Riddle (nephew and niece), Mr. F. G. Fisher (brother-in-law), Mr. Lloyd (nephew), Mr. Norman Fisher (nephew), Mr. W. Clifford (friend), Miss Ethel Linham, Mr. Charlie Weaver, Nurse Bastier, Mrs. Kettlety (niece), Miss Hobbs (niece), Mr. E. A.
Blackmore (nephew), and Mr. and Mrs. F. Pearce (nephew and niece). Mr. G. Carter (son- in-law) was unable to attend through illness.

Those present in church included Mr. G. S. Rivington and Major T. H. Clark (churchwardens), Mr. W. J Bray and Mrs. Page (representatives of the Parish Coun cil), Mrs. R. Brewer and Mr. A. C. Pavey (representing the staff of Combe Down School), Captain C. W. Daubeny, Mrs. Carey, Mrs. Brinkworth, Mr. H. H. King, Mr. W. R. Ings, Mrs. E. Grant and Miss Grant, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Bloom, Mrs. Warren, Mr. J. P. Turner, Mr. F. G. V. Frankling, Mr. A. P. Robinson, Mr. A. Mowbray Green, Lieut.-Cmdr. Farr, Mr. A. Bending, Mr. A. A. Stockall, Mrs. and Miss Bishop, Miss M. A. Ponting, Mrs. Burridge, Miss Dyer, Miss Ransome, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Ridout, Mrs. Andrews, Mr. J. Whittaker, Mr. F. Pearce, Mrs. Vodden, Mrs. Appleby, Mrs. Bedwell, frs. Wicks, Mr. F. C. Appleby, Mrs. Crisp, Mr. Day, Mr. M. P. Clark, Mr. H. Robinson, Mr. R. Mortimer (who also represented Mrs. Johnson and
family), and Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Pine.

The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr, C, G, Manning, Combe Down,

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