Real memorial obituaries – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

In memoriam et celebrationem

In memorial and celebration

This is the obituaries section for people who have made a contribution to the area – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

It’s a form of recognition and hopefully will shed some light on interesting aspects of the people of Combe Down.

If you are submitting an obituary for publication, then you may wish to read these hints: How to write a tremendous obituary.

Frederick George Valentine Frankling

01/01/1884 - 12/09/1938


Obituary For Frederick George Valentine Frankling



Prominent in the religious, the public, the social, and the political life of Combe Down. Bath, and a very genial personality, Mr. Frederick G. V. Frankling, of 4. Isabella Place, who died on Dec 9th, at the early age of 54, will be greatly missed.

The large and representative congregation at the funeral service at Holy Trinity Church on Tuesday afternoon was an indication of the extent to which he was esteemed. representatives of the various
organisations with which Mr. Frankling was associated being present.

He had lived at Combe Down for the greater part of his life.

His father was stationmaster at Midford, and deceased was with the S. and D.J.R. at Bath for many years.

On the amalgamation of this line with the LMS, he was transferred to the Bristol offices. His health
began to fail about two years ago, but his illness did at become serious until a few weeks ago.

His death took place in hospital.

The coffin had a Union Jack as a pall and the bonnet of the hearse was covered with flowers, others being arranged on other vehicles in the cortege. It was but a short journey from. the house of deceased to the church which he had served so well The interment was at Monkton Combe.

The Vicar (the Rev. Ernest Roberts, M.A.) officiated at the choral service. Miss Kathleen Miller, assistant organ- ist, played, "O Rest in the Lord" as the cortege entered the church. and other appropriate music.

The Mourners,

The family mourners were:

Widow. and son. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. de Groot (sons-in-law and daughters), Mr. W. Frankling and Mr. S. Frankling (brothers), Mr. and Mrs.
W. Hamlen (brother-in-law and sister), Mrs. Philpott (sister). Mr. and Mrs. R. Frankling (brother and sister-in-law), Mr. A. Franklin and Mr. and Mrs. Steeds. Miss Vigar. Mr. H. Vigar, and Mr. and Mrs. Swain (cousins), Mr. and Mrs. C. Knight and Mr. and Mrs. Fish- lock (brothers-in-law and sisters-in- law), and Mr. Cowlishaw (nephew).

The congregation was representative of all sections of public activity in Combe Down and included a number of Mr. Frankling's old railway colleagues of the L.M.S. and S. and D.J.R.

Council's Tribute.

Before opening the meeting of the Monkton Combe (Combe Down) Parish Council on Tuesday evening. Mr. H. Robinson, in the chair, expressed his sorrow and that of the Council at hearing of the death of Mr. F. G. V. Frankling. He paid a tribute to Mr. Frankling's work as a Councillor, and it was agreed that a note should be sent to Mrs. Frankling expressing the Council's deep sympathy.

Mr. W. J. Bray and Mr. R. W. Cornish associated themselves with the chairman's remarks.

Messrs. G. Mannings and Sons, Claverton Down. Bath, were the undertakers.

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