Real memorial obituaries – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

In memoriam et celebrationem

In memorial and celebration

This is the obituaries section for people who have made a contribution to the area – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

It’s a form of recognition and hopefully will shed some light on interesting aspects of the people of Combe Down.

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Frederick Charles Drew

10/01/1885 - 02/09/1936


Obituary For Frederick Charles Drew



Mr. Frederick Charles Drew, who was to have been the next president of the Bath Butchers' Association, died unexpectedly at his residence, Bradford Road, Combe Down, on Sunday, the cause of death being septic pneumonia.

He had carried on business at Bradford Road for some years, and at one time had a shop in Moorland Road, Oldfield Park.

Mr. Drew, who was 50 years of age, was closely connected with Combe Down Parish Church, being a member of the Church Council and also a sidesman.

He was at business on Friday last week and earlier in the week accompanied a party of butchers who inspected a meat- cargo boat at Avonmouth.

Rather more than a fortnight ago a piece of meat fell on his head, causing a scratch which became septic and painful.

His doctor was called immediately he collapsed on Sunday morning, but, although everything possible
was done for him, he passed away a few hours later.
Mr. Drew leaves a wife, a son and two daughters.

Inquest Held,

Contrary to expectations the Bath City Coroner decided to hold an inquest on Mr. Drew, and in consequence the funeral, which had been arranged for half-past two on Thursday afternoon, was postponed for an hour.

Mr. A. C. Hillier represented the widow and relatives,
Leonard Charles Drew, son of the deceased, said his father had enjoyed good health.

A fortnight ago he complained of a pain in his head, and told witness a piece of meat fell and caused a scratch. He continued with his work until Friday last, when he said he would go to bed, as he had a bit of a cold.

It was on Feb. 3rd he first complained of the pain in his head. Dr. Gibson was called in on Saturday owing to his condition.

Replying to Mr. Hillier, Mr. Drew said his father was a man who would not readily give in.

The injury to his head became worse, and witness's mother treated it with boracic poultices.

He continually complained of pain from it. The falling of the meat was a pure accident. It was not a very big joint, and fell from a hook. He would not see a doctor until he was forced to do so.

Blood Poisoning.

Dr. C. A. Gibson said that when he was called in on February 8th Mr. Drew com plained of pain in the head and pain and stiffness in the back of his left leg. He had a raised temperature and rapid pulse. He told witness he had a blow from a piece of meat about a
fortnight previously, and there was tenderness of the scalp in the vicinity of a healed wound.

There was nothing abnormal to be detected on an examination of his chest. Witness was at another case on Sunday morning, and two messages were sent to his house. Eventually the family got Dr. Morris, and when witness arrived shortly afterwards Mr. Drew was dying. The cause of death was septic pneumonia caused by general blood poisoning, septicemia being set up by the abrasion. The infection could have been caused at the time of the scratch, but there might have been a secondary infection later on.

Replying to Mr. Hillier, Dr. Gibson said the septic pneumonia would not have been caused without the septicemia. There were no signs of the pneumonia at his visit on the Saturday.

The Coroner found that death was due to septic pneumonia, set up by septicemia, due to
infection introduced in a scratch accidentally inflicted.

The Funeral The funeral took place at Combe Down Parish Church, on Thursday afternoon,

Mr. Drew, who was President-elect the Bath Master Butchers' Association, pas ed away on
Sunday, at the age of 50 years, at 43, Bradford Road, Combe Down, Bath, from septic pneumonia,

Many people assembled in the church over an hour before the commencement, not knowing that the time of the funeral had been altered,

The service was choral, a full choir being in attendance. Mr. W. A. Bishop at the organ,
rendered the voluntary, "I know that my Redeemer liveth," from Handel's Messiah, as the cortege entered the church, and "O rest in the Lord" (Handel) at the conclusion of the service. The hymns sung were "Jesu, Lover of my Soul," and "Peace, perfect peace," while Psalm 23, "The Lord is my Shepherd," was chanted,

The Vicar of Combe Down, the Rev. F. Last Bedwell, assisted by Captain A. Booth (Church Army) officiated. The interment took place in St. James's Cemetery.

The family mourners were the Widow; Mr. Leonard Drew (son); Miss Lillian Drew (daughter); Miss Vera Drew (daughter); Mr. William Drow and Mr. James Drew (brothers); Mrs. R. Beazley (sister); Mr. and Mrs. T. Hibberd (brother-in-law and sister); Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sweeting (brother-in-law and sister); Mr. and Mrs. R. Banks (nephew and niece); Mr. and Mrs. Holly, Mrs. Jenkins, Mr. O. Hawkins, Miss Davis, Mr. J. Davis, and Miss B. March.

Also present were Mr. R. Man and Miss W. Math, employees.

Association Representatives

Those present representing the Bath Master Butchers' Association were Messrs. F. T. Cornish (President), J. Holloway, J. Woolley, E. Bamsey,

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