Real memorial obituaries – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

In memoriam et celebrationem

In memorial and celebration

This is the obituaries section for people who have made a contribution to the area – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

It’s a form of recognition and hopefully will shed some light on interesting aspects of the people of Combe Down.

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Frances Harriett Goldingham Kitson

06/05/1822 - 09/11/1900


Obituary For Frances Harriett Goldingham Kitson


Knott, of Combe-hill House, Monkton Combe

The funeral of Mrs. Knott, wife of the Rev. J. C
place on Saturday in Monkton Combe Church the interment being made in a new vault adjacent the graves of her daughters Florence Marion, died June 16, 1900, and Nora Beatrice, died Aug 1891.

The service was chiefly choral, and the Rev D. Pitcairn, vicar of Monkton Combe, officiated being placed in a metal coffin, while the eternal body of the deceased reposes in a shell, the case is of polished oak, with brass furniture, 1 breastplate bearing the
inscription -

Died Sept. 11, 1900,
Aged 78.

The coffin was borne in a two-home open car, and there were three mourning carriages as

First, Rev. J. C. Knott, Miss Knott, Miss Knott, and Mis L. Knott; second, Mr. Knox Pontifex; third, the servants at Combe Hill Howe (grandson), Col. Kitchen, Miss Susan Knott, and Mr.

Amongst those in the church and at the grave were the following: Mr. Daubeny and Mrs. Da R Smart, Mr. Law and Mr. Wicks (churchwarden, bony, Col. Morrison, Rev. C. McCausland, Rev, J. Mr. Wood (Cheltenham), Mr. Isnaes (former is school)Mr. Lewis
Priestman (Durham), the Miss Pop master at Monkton Combe), Mrs Peacock, M. Read), and the following representing H. Lawrence (Mr. Lawrence being unable to a Combe Conservative Association: Mostra. B. II. Knott, E. H. Wherrett, A. Davis, G. Goddard, Davis, H. Morgan, and J. Morgan and Connie (loving son and daughter): Eith.

Floral tributes were sent by the following: W Laura, in ever loving memory of a devoted mother Frances and Palis, in loving memory of dear Granit Louisa and Margaretta, with love; Eate and Hol George, in affectionate remembrance; with our sincere affection and respect for our dear miss from her four deeply-
attached servants; the Maltion, with deep sympathy; with respectful sympathy, from Combe and Combe Down Conservative Aca from the villagers; the Misses Harrison, Mr., M Harry Peacock, Mr. Willis (Shotley Bridge), friends and Miss Lawrence; Mrs. Freanan, Mr. and M in Woodland-place, E. Orchard and Kate Kellaway Mrs. Vaughan Jenkins, Mary and Fanns, A
(Bexley Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Percival Huth, the M Warr, Louie and Kate (Shotley Bridge), Col. A Pope, Mr. and Mrs. Meech, Mr. and Mrs Ashra Hill, Rev. D. Lee and Mrs. Pitcairn, Mrs. Rhodes General and Mrs. Cracroft, Mr. and Mrs Leget Mr., Mrs., and Miss Newnham, Rev. G. G. and Mrs. Acworth, Mrs. Pumphrey (Shotley Brided Misses Priestman, Mrs. Law and Mrs. Arnold the Mr. and Mr. F. Priestman, Mrs. Tanner and the Misses Wicks, Mr. and Mrs.
Tucker, Mr. and M Colston, Mr. and Mrs. Maitland

The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. W. Roadhouse, of Union-street, Bath

Preaching at Monkton Combe Church on Sunday Mr. Knott said: "It is in this faith and marring, the Rev. D. Lee Pitcairn, referring to the the mortal remains of one whose quiet Christian in this hope that we yesterday laid to who in the circle that knew her is so universal life has been lived among us for so many years honoured, beloved, and regretted. The sorrow
kindness and piety, and comforted by the sure her removal is lightened by the remembrance of her everlasting life through Christ, Who is the Life."

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