Real memorial obituaries – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

In memoriam et celebrationem

In memorial and celebration

This is the obituaries section for people who have made a contribution to the area – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

It’s a form of recognition and hopefully will shed some light on interesting aspects of the people of Combe Down.

If you are submitting an obituary for publication, then you may wish to read these hints: How to write a tremendous obituary.

Elizabeth [Ford]

01/01/1853 - 25/01/1922


Obituary For Elizabeth [Ford]


Inquest on Combe Down Resident.

An inquest was held on Thursday afternoon at Frome Road House by the City Coroner (Mr. F. E. Shum) on Elizabeth Ford (69), of 12, Quarry Vale, Combe Down, who died at the infirmary on Wednesday.

Caroline Nowell, of 4, Byfield Buildings, Combe Down, a married woman, and daughter of the deceased, said on December 31st about 9.30 p.m. she was called to see her mother at 12, Quarry Vale.

The deceased was lying on the sofa, and complained of pains in her leg. She had fallen down some time previously, and deceased thought she had a stroke.

Dr. Coates came to see deceased and bound up her leg with lint. Dr. Morris was also called in,
and he advised her removal to the infirmary, where she was taken on the following Monday

Dr. A. H. Duckett, medical officer at Frome Road House, said he first saw deceased on Wednesday, January 4th, when she was dangerously ill. She was suffering from bronchitis, and her left leg was badly swollen, and was in a gangrenous condition. The leg, under treatment, began to heal. In his opinion the state of the leg was the result of an abrasion
following the fall. At the time the leg began to heal the bronchitis became worse, and, in his opinion, death was due to congestion of the lungs following a fall.

Rose Davis, of 13, Quarry Vale, said on Saturday, December 31st, about 2.30 p.m., she heard deceased calling, and, going into the kitchen, she found her lying on the floor.

Witness picked up Mrs. Ford and placed her on the sofa, deceased saying that she would soon be
alright. She did not complain of any pain at the time.

About nine o'clock on the same evening witness again went to see deceased, who asked witness to fetch her daughter as she thought she had broken her leg.

Mary Turner, superintendent nurse at Frome Road House, also gave evidence as to deceased's condition after she was admitted to the infirmary.

A verdict in accordance with the medical evidence was entered by the Coroner.

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