Real memorial obituaries – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

In memoriam et celebrationem

In memorial and celebration

This is the obituaries section for people who have made a contribution to the area – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

It’s a form of recognition and hopefully will shed some light on interesting aspects of the people of Combe Down.

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Constance Alethe Perry

04/01/1880 - 09/09/1930


Obituary For Constance Alethe Perry




A striking tribute to lady who was respected and loved by all who knew her was paid at Monkton Combe on Thursday afternoon, when large and representative congregation attended the funeral of Mrs. Constance Alethe Hayward, wife the Rev. E. Hayward, Headmaster of Monkton Combe School.

Mrs. Hayward, who had patiently borne a long illness, died on Tuesday, and her passing cast a deep gloom over the school and the village.

She took a keen interest in the school and was loved by every member of the teaching and other staffs, as well as by the boys.

By the death of Mrs. Hayward, the Church Missionary Society has lost one of its most devoted workers, for the cause was one very dear to her.

Prior to the interment, service was held in the School Chapel, which had been beautifully decorated with flowers, the tributes of the School laundry staff.

The service was conducted by Prebendary F. E. Murphy, assisted by the Rev. J. W. Kearns, a former Headmaster, and the Rev. G. E. Watton, Vicar of Combe Down.

The large congregation included many members the school staff and villagers.

The service comprised the hymns: " Lord, it belongs not to my care," " There is land of pure delight," the Psalm, " The Lord is my Shepherd," and the Nunc Dimittis.

The lesson was read by the Rev. J. W. Kearns. Mr. F. S. Wells was at the organ.

After the service the flowered-covered coffin was borne through the village the church, followed by the congregation and members of the domestic staffs carrying wreaths. Many other villagers were assembled in the churchyard, where the body was laid to rest.

THE MOURNERS. The family mourners were: —The Rev. E. Hayward (widower), Mr. John Perry (father), Miss Beryl Hayward (daughter), Mr. John Hayward (son), Mr. and Mrs. Philys Ashton, the Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Wedgwood, Mr. Leigh Ashton, Mr. Mervyn Wedgwood and Mr. Joseph Hayward. Among others who attended were:— Mr. H. J. Powell (representing the Directors of the School) and Mrs. Powell, Miss Thorpe (Churcji Missionary Society), the Rev. W. J. Hopkins (Diocesan Organising Secretary, C.M.S.), the Rev. W. H. Elwin (Bedminster), the Vicar Monkton Combe (the Rev. P. E. Warrington), Mr. E. A. Spear, the Rev. and Mrs. Dann (Bristol), Mr. C. H. Devonshire and Mr. F. J. Mole (St. Silas Church, Birmingham), Capt. P. C. Guy (secretary, Monkton Combe School) and Mrs. Guy, the Rev. G. F. B. Morris, Miss Elverson (representing the Rev. D. Lee Pitcairn), Mr. and Mrs. G. F. R. Goodrich, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Gurney, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Freeman, Mr. Charles Freeman, Mrs. and Miss Wilson-Ewer, Mr. E. F. Collander-Brown (Headmaster, Monkton Combe Junior School), Mrs. W. Paul Chesterman, Mr. D. Chesterman, Mr. E. J. Steavenson, Mr. A. T. Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. A. Owen, Mr. D. T. W. Davis and Mr. G. A. J. Hobbs.

Messrs. Jolly and Son, Ltd., Milsom Street, Bath, were the undertakers.

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