Real memorial obituaries – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

In memoriam et celebrationem

In memorial and celebration

This is the obituaries section for people who have made a contribution to the area – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

It’s a form of recognition and hopefully will shed some light on interesting aspects of the people of Combe Down.

If you are submitting an obituary for publication, then you may wish to read these hints: How to write a tremendous obituary.

Charles Conolly

01/01/1759 - 04/07/1828


Obituary For Charles Conolly


Died April 7th, in the 68th year of his age, Charles Conolly, esq; of Midford Castle, Somersetshire; a near relative of the late Right Honourable Thomas Conolly, of Castletown, near Dublin.

Mr. Conolly was one of those who belong to and adorn what is, strictly speaking, perhaps the most useful, and undoubtedly the most independent class of British society.

The Prince and the Peer stand constantly in the glare of observation; the eyes of the community are ever on them, and they are, in some measure, constrained to act up to the character expected from their station.

The condition of the professional man is much the
same as that of the noble; while the duties of the labouring ranks are few and comparatively
easy; being called upon simply for the practice of honest industry, and as it were forced to preserve the path of virtue by the dread of want, and of its attendant ills.

But the opulent and untitled country gentleman is more of a free agent than any individual in the state.
Responsible to no chieftain, nor body of men, his acres are at once his security and his pride: to them and to the laws all his feelings refer themselves, and as he is the least under control, so he may be the best and the most enviable of the human kind, or otherwise, as he pleases.

Mr. Conolly chose the goodly part; his career of life was marked by a rigid compliance with every moral obligation: he accordingly merited and enjoyed, as his earthly recompense, love and honour in the bosom of his family; confidence and attachment from his equals, and gratitude and veneration from the poor of his neighbourhood.

His religious persuasion was that of the Church of Rome: his practice-ail she teaches of true christianity. It is, therefore, almost unnecessary to add that he was charitable, humble, liberal, and enlightened; that he encountered the infliction of bodily pain, and the stroke of death, with composure to which the indifferent and the fanatical alike are strangers; and left this transitory scene in sure and certain hope" of immortality and happiness.

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