Real memorial obituaries – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

In memoriam et celebrationem

In memorial and celebration

This is the obituaries section for people who have made a contribution to the area – Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Midford

It’s a form of recognition and hopefully will shed some light on interesting aspects of the people of Combe Down.

If you are submitting an obituary for publication, then you may wish to read these hints: How to write a tremendous obituary.

Carr Glynn Ackworth

11/11/1942 - 09/07/1928


Obituary For Carr Glynn Ackworth


Death of the Rev. Carr Glyn Acworth.

The death has taken place at Moreton House, Westerham, of the Rev. Carr Glyn Acworth.

A son of the late Rev. William Acworth, of Southstoke Hall, Bath, he went up to Christchurch, Oxford, where he graduated in 1867, proceeding M.A. two years later.

He was ordained in 1867, and from 1869 to 1877 he was vicar of Holy Trinity, Trowbridge. In the latter year he was presented to the living of Combe Down, Bath, where he ministered until 1890.

Since that date he had been living in retirement.

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